Thursday, July 8, 2010

My La Giraudiere Experience: Day 9

July 8, 2010

We gathered together for our routine breakfast. A few of us are really trying to improve our French, so we watched a French television program as we ate our cereal and yogurt and drank our coffee and juice.

Ten o’clock brought our French teacher, Celine. Again, we had a very productive lesson. We even learned “un gros mot” thanks to author James Patterson and his novel “Des nouvelles de Mary” and my need to know every word that’s not found in my French-English dictionary.

After the break, we went back to our tasks. A few of us received different tasks. Kim now had the task of organizing the office and some of the surrounding rooms. Therese and Lewis, after spending a few hours dealing with drywall, went back to the woods (in the 38 degree Celsius heat!) to cut some foreign roots that were climbing up the trees.

Lidia surprised us by making another flan. Minjie assisted in the flan preparation (So Minjie, be prepared to take over the flan-making duties when Lidia leaves tomorrow!).

After the flan was put into the oven, Jim, having been given the rest of the day off, drove Lidia and Minjie to the store to buy the ingredients for tonight’s dinner: meatloaf (to be prepared by Jim and Lidia)!

LG received a very welcomed visitor. Former volunteer Rhian. Those who were here during her stay were very excited to see her.

Rhian joined us for dinner, which we ate around 6:30. Another splendid meal, but coupled with a little sadness as we toasted Jim and Lidia who will be leaving LG tomorrow morning to head to London, England.

After dinner we prepared to head to the lake to listen to some live music. French Blues/Hip-Hop by the group Syncopera- très intéressant! We all had a great evening.

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